Established in 2006, Mombacho Cigars is a premium boutique cigar manufacturer with the mission to be the purveyor of the most memorable cigar experience: The Mombacho Experience.
While working with Mombacho, my initial goal was to bring the experience to the rest of the world. The first goal was to enhance the visual identity and provide cohesion to all surfaces of the brand. Diplomatico partnership, experiential, brand cohesion.
• Enhancing and refreshing the visual identity
• Packaging
• Experiential
• Event programs
• Partnerships
The Mombacho Experience
The Mombacho Experience is 5 days/4 nights of a fascinating multi-sensorial adventure that takes you through the art and science of cigar making, the nature, history and culture of Nicaragua, and the kindness and relaxed lifestyle of it’s people. The trip includes all lodging, ground transportation, food, beverages, cigars and countless personalized, slowed-down moments…Mombacho Moments.
Diplimatico Partnership